Back to the land of open spaces and snow. Today is -25 degrees with the windchill....brrrrrr, you need to wear long john's and wrap a scarf around your face in this weather. I miss India's sunshine, bright colours and lively people. When i first returned home i was shocked by the silence- i found it relieving and haunting at the same time...sitting in the living room and being mesmerized by the loud buzzing of the refridgerator for it was the only sound i could hear. I think that many of us have been experiencing bouts of isolation since we arrived back in Montreal. We had just spent three and a half weeks functioning within a big group and being surrounded by excitement and activity every day.
I was really struck by some of e-mails that were sent in response to the Eduardo Galeano quote. I will admit that i haven't known how to respond...because there was a lot addressed in each e-mail. I think that there were some very valid points expressed from the Indian perspective. I guess all i can do is speak from my own perspective.
On the topic of globalisation and multi-national corporations, I am aware and acknowledge that there are many companies out there that are striving to be more responsible and to take positive measures in regards to the environment and to support smaller businesses and organizations in an effort to reach those who are not having there basic needs met. I was impressed by Surekha's arguments and articulation of the economic and political situation in India. I do think a healthy economy is an important part of spreading wealth and providing more opportunites for the poor. My question is at what cost?
I cannot help but be skeptical when it comes to big business and politics. I feel that the majority of CEO's and elite classes are working for their own benefits, with little regard for the majority of the world's population that is struggling just to survive. I also understand that this may be part of the scientific progression- of survival of the fittest, and competitive nature, but I don't think we need to look very far to see the catastrophic dammage that some of the MNC's have caused worldwide...and we watched several documentaries about it at Christ College for the political doc. festival. Eduardo Galeano writes from the South American perspective and is extremely critical of the impact of globalization and capitalism...and rightfully so i think. The Untited States has backed many brutal dictatorships in S.America throughout recent history that have allowed the MNC's to step with their factories and produce material goods for next to nothing, where the working conditions and wages for the local people are horrible, and the factories pollute and destroy the areas natural resources. In India, Bhopal is another example of a company that has wreaked havoc and destroyed lives and the environment. The examples that Surekha gave of how 'Sweatshops' have become the most safe and the best paying jobs for skilled women in Bangalore." I don't doubt that in some cases this is so, and i hope that there are these examples that continue to set better standards for factory workers worldwide.
I read recently that the U.S is currently supporting India in the race against China towards becoming a superpower. Where the U.S's motivations lie in this makes me nervous.
I don't mean to sound cynical or negative, and i know i am not addressing anything here that most people are not aware of. All I am wanting to say is that i think we need to be cautious. I do not believe that capitalism or communism is the way...i think we need to create something different, and what that is i am still trying to figure out for myself. I think that we need to build stronger local communities and be critical of the higher powers that be...that abuse their wealth and spread fear amongst the masses (at least here in N.America the mainstream media are all about keeping people in a state of fear).
In Canada, i see how many people suffer from isolation and depression. In the short time that i was in India, i did not see this as much. People seemed more open and connected to themselves and each other. I know this sounds romantic, but it is what i saw.
I think that part of this isolation and depression comes from the over-reliance on technology and entertainment. I feel that in our process of 'development' we have lost something along the way...and i think the loss has to do with connection, we have become dis-connected in a general sense- from the earth, ourselves and one another. Once again, this is only a part of the picture, of course there is many amazing things about living in Canada and I think there are a lot of people out there that are striving to build stronger communities, sustainable development options, and better alternatives.
In India, i saw many people that had an inner warmth and wealth that is often absent in the eyes of people almost felt strange, but it quickly became contagious and i found myself smiling more often than i do here...the foreign feeling became familiar.
I strive to find more connection and happiness that resides in my heart...i know it is there, i just easily forget- get lost in worries, worries about money, family, relationships...get side tracked by thinking about the future, making money, wanting to be successful, but ultimately i know that none of that truly means happiness...
I came across this article on the BBC today.
Peace and Love,