Monday, December 18, 2006

Tuesday, December 19th... Noush... What Exactly is Poverty?

The Indian slums are not what you'd think they'd be.
I'm not sure what I expected but they weren't what I thought they'd be.
All the joy and celebration actually, didn't surprise me- I'd been forewarned.
But my surprise came at my own feeling of envy.
Nowhere in the whole world had I ever seen something so ironically close to paradise,
this little lane off the main street in the city...

The pumping well
The sewage ditch
The tiny chickens and tinier chicks
The sleepy dogs,
The check-to-make-sure-if-they're-still-breathing dogs,
Where are all the cats?
The goats
The tiniest staircase in the world:

Take off your shoes before you come in.